Just kidding, actually, as much as I tried, I don’t seemed to have gained anything.  Must be my new fat burning matabolism.  LOL

We had all the families around for Christmas at our place.  I spit roasted pork and lamb on the barbie.

 Kids had lots of fun and got super high on sugar.  Finished the evening watching Mama Mia on the projector.  I like ABBA songs musically so liked it for that reason.  Thought the story was a bit forced and didn’t like the way they the songs tried to coreograph every literal lyric.  Made it kind of tacky in my opinion.

We just got back from a day in Masterton.  Good weather - lunch in the park, play at the playground, a bit of retail and the kids had a swim in the river, and we finished the day at an amazing ice cream shop.  Gigantic ice creams for just $2. 

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