Janet has gone back to Aussie.  She sounds like she is going to settle down over there for a while.  Get a job, etc. Angela and Jason had their baby last week.  It was a few weeks early but is doing well.  A boy called Thomas David at 9 pounds if I remember rightly.

Brett and his wife Rachel are back in NZ (from the USA) for a month or so with their baby boy Jesse.  We attended his first birthday party at Bretts’ parents house a few weeks ago.

NZ beat Aussie in the cricket a couple of times.  Let’s hope they can keep on doing it.

Geoff and Catherine’s boy Jonathon also had his first birthday a few weeks ago which we attended.

Hamish and Cheryl’s dog Jack won some prizes in a dog show in Carterton last week.  He won best boxer, best overall puppy and almost won best overall dog I believe. 

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