Most things seem to be coming right from my accident - although I still don’t have full mobility in my shoulder back yet.   Would like to get back on my bike though - if I had one.  :)

Tony, Kathryn came around to visit us last night with their kids, Caleb, Anna, Ethan, Sarah and Isaac.  They were down from Auckland. I put a chicken and leg of lamb on the BBQ spit roast with homemade apple pie for dessert. I was going to take a photo for you but we ate it all before that could occur. We talked about old times, played games and the kids watched a movie.  We all really enjoyed having them around.


Today, we went shopping in Johnsonville with Ian and Mary and had afternoon tea at muffin break.  Then we fried stuff for dinner.

Rebecca is doing really well with her walking - she can now do 11 steps on her own and has worked out how to steer her walker around the house rather that going in a straight line until she hits something.

Joshua and Ashley finished school for the term on Friday and are looking forward to their holidays over the next 2 weeks.  They will be visiting their cousin soon.

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