Rebecca walked for the first time today - she did 4 steps several times tonight.  Aged 13 months.  She’s been able to do one and two steps for a while but we’re hard and don’t count that unless it’s a repeatable series of several steps.  She’s really proud and happy she can do it.  Pretty brave too - when she falls on her face, she doesn’t give up, she gets up again for another go straight away.

I had my checkup at the hospital today for my dislocated arm.  After waiting 80 minutes to be seen (Grrrr!), I can have my arm sling off and can start using it again - Was told to go easy on it for probably the next 4 weeks - and have some physio booked for it.  Unfortunately, still not allowed to drive yet but hopefully may be able to in a week or so again.

Finally got my sister on Facebook!   Yaaay.  Now just working on my brother.  :)

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