Getting slack on the old updates here - will try and get back into it.
It’s the school holidays at the moment so I’ve been taking some time off work to spend with the kids. We had pancakes for brekfast one morning which was fun. Ashley also did some lovely paintings for us.
Went to Wanganui last weekend (over Easter) - not much to do there but had a nice relaxing time doing very little. The final easter egg tally was 176. Yes, that is not a typo! We still have some left, in fact Natalie used some of the excess to make muffins the other day - rasperry and easter egg muffins. Excellent. We’re doing our best to eat the eggs though. It would be a crime no to.
- Joshuas big egg
- Ashleys Big Egg
- Joshua eating dads pancakes
- Ashley the artist
- Joshua and Ashley having fun in the blanket hut
This weekend Natalie helped Mandy (family friend) move house and it was Kristina’s (sister ‘n’ law) birthday so Natalie went to her afternoon tea with some friends. Kieran (brother) and my mum and dad came over to see the kids and have a chat.
I slept in a blanket hut with the kids the last couple of nights - it is school holidays at the moment so they get to stay up a bit later than usual. We watched a movie from within the blanket hut last night. The Pink Panther.
Tonight Joshua played scrabble against Natalie. I helped him a bit and he won. He came up with most of the words himself - I just helped with with some of the high value letter positioning. He’s a clever wee fella.