Rebecca walked for the first time today - she did 4 steps several times tonight.  Aged 13 months.  She’s been able to do one and two steps for a while but we’re hard and don’t count that unless it’s a repeatable series of several steps.  She’s really proud and happy she can do it.  Pretty brave too - when she falls on her face, she doesn’t give up, she gets up again for another go straight away.

I had my checkup at the hospital today for my dislocated arm.  After waiting 80 minutes to be seen (Grrrr!), I can have my arm sling off and can start using it again - Was told to go easy on it for probably the next 4 weeks - and have some physio booked for it.  Unfortunately, still not allowed to drive yet but hopefully may be able to in a week or so again.

Finally got my sister on Facebook!   Yaaay.  Now just working on my brother.  :)

A car hit me tonight on the way home from work.  It happened on Old Hutt Road outside Spotlight Carpark.

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I spent 6 hours in emergency at Wellington hospital - Got a dislocated and fractured shoulder, cut lip and eye, broken nose, grazes on forehead, arm and let, bruised eye and nose, bashed toe - will lose nail.

I had right of way in a cycle lane which runs along the footpath, was passing in front of a car coming out of the carpark which I thought had given way to me (about where the silver one is in the pic) and she accelerated into me.

My arm is back in now but have been told not to use it for 1 - 2 weeks in case it comes out again.


Photos from Rebeccas Party today.  We are all sugar’d out now. Weblog is based on WordPress platform, RSS tech , RSS comments design by Gx3.