An abundance of pink groceries were bought today for Rebeccas themed party in the weekend.
Joshua had a friend from school today come over and play which was nice. Spent most of the time on the playstation.
Very busy at work at the moment - trying to recruit new staff - Sorted out a couple of major long term annoyances today so hopefully tomorrow will be a little quieter.
I biked 65Km today - looks like the tyres are finally holding up after a couple of flats. Pretty windy on the way home today - probably added an extra 15 mins to the journey.
Looking forward to the long weekend, we’ve got Rebeccas party and taking the family out to a show.
Natalie has started to seriously look at flight to the UK for her cousins wedding. Got a few options so far so is probably just pending some space on the credit card.
Weather held off long enough for me to bike home from work. Only managed it twice last week. I had a couple of pneumatic malfunctions last week - got a puncture - fixed it - didn’t inflate properly and got another one the next time I rode after I hit a curbside too hard.
If you know of any cheap UK flights - let me know.
Rebecca turned 1 today - but has a party this weekend. She got some clothes and a jigsaw puzzle - more to come at the party. She’s still not crawling yet, only freestanding. She has a new tooth though - so that makes 5. Recently learned the ‘m’ sound so can now say mum with great regularity.
We had a water pipe burst under the house today - got it fixed so are now just waiting on the bill to arrive in the mail.
It’s a long weekend this weekend which should be cool. Hopefully wont have to work (much).