Getting slack on the old updates here - will try and get back into it.

It’s the school holidays at the moment so I’ve been taking some time off work to spend with the kids.  We had pancakes for brekfast one morning which was fun.  Ashley also did some lovely paintings for us.

Went to Wanganui last weekend (over Easter) - not much to do there but had a nice relaxing time doing very little.  The final easter egg tally was 176.  Yes, that is not a typo!  We still have some left, in fact Natalie used some of the excess to make muffins the other day - rasperry and easter egg muffins.  Excellent.  We’re doing our best to eat the eggs though.  It would be a crime no to.

This weekend Natalie helped Mandy (family friend) move house and it was Kristina’s (sister ‘n’ law) birthday so Natalie went to her afternoon tea with some friends.  Kieran (brother) and my mum and dad came over to see the kids and have a chat.

I slept in a blanket hut with the kids the last couple of nights - it is school holidays at the moment so they get to stay up a bit later than usual.  We watched a movie from within the blanket hut last night.  The Pink Panther.

Tonight Joshua played scrabble against Natalie.  I helped him a bit and he won.  He came up with most of the words himself - I just helped with with some of the high value letter positioning.  He’s a clever wee fella.

Rode my bike home tonight - somewhat a bit darker due to daylight savings finishing.  Saw a guy on a motorbike hit a couch chair on the highway between Ngauranga and Petone.  He rolled about 30m and looks like may have just had a broken collar bone.  The chair was flung into the center lane and obstructing traffic so I pulled it off the road and had to give a witness statement to the cops.  Ambulance karted the poor guy off to hospital.  Appears the chair must have come off someones trailer.  It is not the first time a comfy chair has been used to torture someone.

I was thinking of going to the cricket today - and working via mobile broadband, but the weather wasn’t all that flash and our team kinda started to suck.  :)

In other news, Joshua got in trouble today again for not eating his lunch.  Rebecca fell over and got a bleeding nose.  Ashley fell off the top bunk and hurt her arm and back.  Ian broke a glass in our sink and cut his hand.

Realised I hadn’t published a pic of Rebecca for quite a while - so here ya go.  At McDonalds…

Well, another weekend has gone by.  I haven’t updated my blog for a while.  Been a bit busy (or lazy).

On Saturday, Joshua and Ashley had a sleepover at the gym they go to with about 50 other kids - they god to stay up until midnight, had midnight snacks, played games, built forts out of the gym equipment, etc.  They all had good fun.  Ashley initially didn’t want to stay (and has never spend a night away from us yes) but I wen’t down to pick her up and she was having so much fun she wanted to stay - so that was a big step for her.

I played bass guitar at lifeswitch today, spent the afternoon cleaning the house (in between watching the warriors and the blackcaps loose).  In the evening I stuck a chunk of lamb on the BBQ and spit roasted it - it turned our beautiful - one of the best I’ve done I reckon.

I bought some eggs for easter over the weekend - $45!.  That was only one each for the kids and a packet of marshmallows.  I thought this was supposed to be a recession, speaking of recession, I had a lot of people console me for loosing my job last weekend as I updated my facebook profile to “I got the chop today”.  However it was all cleared up when I explained it was only a haircut.

Last week, Joshua and Ashley chose a prize for their school fun run fundraising.  Joshua chose a handheld video game and Ashley, a swing ball set.  You can come to our house and play with them if you want.

Joshua managed to get a photo of himself in the local rag (Upper Hutt Leader) from his gymnatics competition in the weekend.  Hope the fame doesn’t go to his head.  :)

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