It is Kierans (my brother) and my Dads birthday today. They were’nt born on the same day, my brother was slightly later but nevertheless, they share the same birthday. We had a BBQ around at Kierans house and it was a cracker of a day, hit 33 deg C in Upper Hutt today.
We played some backyard cricket and the kids had a water fight. Kristina (Kierans wife), made an awesome chocolate cake.
Joshua played cricket this morning (lost by 3 runs). Ashley went to Gymnastics (no broken bones).
We all went out later in the evening to a outdoor concert at the Wellington Botanic Gardens. It was packed.
They have lit up all the shrubbery and it looks pretty cool. I took some photos of the kids.
So busy day and everyone got really exhausted.
(This is Ashley playing in a spotlight)
Had a picnic at Kaitoke regional park for a picnic dinner with the in-laws and the kids had a swim. Here’s a photo off Josh jumping off a cliff.
Afterwards, my family made me ride home on my bike while they took the car. Thanks guys. (was fun coming down the hill though)
The end of another crazy day at work - making slow progress on trimming my massive list of things to do.
Great day here weather-wise - pity I was stuck inside for all of it. It did look very nice though.
This weekend Josh has got Cricket, my Brother is having a BBQ for his birthday, our church is having a BBQ - I hope to get to the American car show and I’m off to Kaitoke for a picnic dinner.
I hit the road on the bike again today and chalked up another 50Km. 5 mins slower than the last time I did it but the wind was a little greater.
We had a BBQ tonight with steak, kransky and corn on the cobb. Also fresh potatoes and lettuce salad. Kids made a huge mess but luckily we were outside on our outdoor furniture so we just get to hose it down later.
We had to buy something with some expiring flybuys points today - so we got that buzz game. We chose the movie trivia version.
Some slimball threw out kerbside recycling all over the road last night. It was just sitting there minding it’s own business and then it gets one, right in the sack. It must have been a very insensitive person. You could drive along the road and see all the junk food we’ve eaten recently. The nice rubbish collectors picked it up for us though.
Watched Madagascar2 with the kids today. I use them wanting to see it as my excuse to see it too. :) King Julian is great. Good movie but liked the first one better. This one felt like it had too much going on.
Busy day today at work - achieved lots of things but nothing I had planned. Arrgh! My friend James shouted me a curry for lunch. Hi 5!
Rebecca got a new tooth yesterday - bottom front right. She can do double the damage now. She’s still working on the crawling but doing very well.
Visited Pepes Pizza Parlour tonight. Very nice pizza. No plates is a bit of a quirk. Dined in but ate of serviettes. Apparently this is normal practice there.
Discovered major descrepency in the nzpost ratefinder today. I had a package that was quoted using the ratefinder as $50. I took it in and came out $22. I can understand a small margin of error but this makes it pretty useless. Not that I’m complaining but if it was the other way around I’d be very annoyed.
I didn’t get much sleep last night (and for quite a few nights now) for various reasons, so am pretty tired today - I have set a goal to go to bed before midnight - which will be a first for a while. There’s a new episode of Flight of the Conchords out today so will probably end up watching that tonight.
Ashley got a cut on her head today and had to go to the doctors for some attention. Just a minor cut.
Another sparkling day in Welly - I didn’t strip off to my boxers and jump in the harbour like some though. I met up with a guy when I was walking to the station to trade the printer cartridges I was selling on trademe and I got the new electric train home - In fact that’s where I’m blogging from now.
I played bass as lifeswitch today and afterwards we headed out to Island Bay and the kids went snorkelling and loved it.
I went on a 50Km bike ride later in the evening and Natalie and I watched “You don’t mess with the Zohan“. It was a surprisingly good move and very funny from Adam Sandler. Recommended.
Wellington put on a cracker day today (dammit) so Natalie and I were out in the garden getting roasted. The Wellington cup is on today, and as expected, there are lots of very well dressed drunk people walking past our house (we live walking distance to the race course). My parents looked after Josh and Ash for a while which was great - we even had time to pop down to the fig tree cafe for lunch. Natalies parents helped out a bit too and we had everyone around for afternoon tea in the sun on the lawn.
Finally made it to Friday. Have been busy sorting out some of my trademe auctions that finished yesterday and did a bit of shopping online for some rechargable batteries (I never seem to have enough).
I did my fitness bit today - walking to work, walk at lunchtime, walk back from work, 30km bike ride. So setting myself up for a major splurge on junkfood this weekend.
Apparently Natalie has planned a major gardening project for us this weekend so we’ll see how that goes. Come-on rain! :)
Playing guitar at Church again on Sunday - so that will be cool.