Rebecca was brought home this morning for the first time.   It’s good to have mum home too.   Joshua and Ashley are looking like very enthusiastic baby sitters so far.  I’m sure they will be pleased to no longer have to suffer dads cooking.

After choosing not to offer up this fantastic marketing opportunity to the corporate world on trademe, we decided her middle name is Marie.

If the money is right, it could still be Rebecca Marie Fonterra Smith, so we’re still open.

Mum slept well last night and we’re wondering surely things can’t be this easy.  I gave Rebecca her first bath.  She had her hips checked for displacia/clicky hips (as Ashley had this when she was first born) and was given clean bill of health.

Rebecca is feeding like a pro - we are sure she must have had prior experience.  The nurses at Lower Hutt hospital are wonderful - so far have only had to change one nappy.

Natalie is starting to walk around a bit now but still has to be very careful with her tummy stiches.

Thanks for all the support from various emails/texts/comments, we print them all out for her baby book.

Ashley and Joshua enjoy their new sister.


Rebecca is feeding well and sleeping soundly.  :)  Very cute too.  We think this one’s a keeper!

Have lots of photos to add but need sleep - will probably add them tomorrow.

Having some debate over middle name - haven’t quite made up our minds yet (in case you were wondering).

1:58pm via caeserian - Weight 8lb 12oz

Mum doing well.  Rebecca…. Perfect!



Going through pre-ops at the moment.  Should be due around noon.

No news yet.  Will update this page as soon as I know more.

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