Well, tonight at 20:02, it was 20/02 (20th of Feb) 2002.  Just thought I should mention that because it wont happen again until 2112. Last weekend I went to the Cricket with Kieran at the StadiumEngland vs NZ.  We won, England played like a pack of girls blouses.

The weekend before that, I went to the rugby 7’s tournament at the Stadium.  I only went on the Friday and was in a corporate box sponsored by my company.  I met up with Geoff later on too.

Last Thursday, we had a visit from a number of O’Sullivans who were in Wellington for a family reunion.  Rosalie, Brendon, Ian, Judith and Nolan visited us.  They came around for tea and then we watched a movie.  It was great catching up with them again.

Baby is coming along well.  About 2 months to go now.  Nat and I have been attending anti-natal (I call them anti-nasal) classes lately.  Learning lots.


Last Saturday I went to the final of the State Shield cricket game between Canterbury and Wellington.  I went with Mandy, her sister and father.  Natalie and her mum went to the Martinbourough fair.  We all got sunburned/windburned faces at the cricket even though it was quite chilly weather.  Anyway, Wellington won so it made it all worth while (and seeing Pasupati’s legendary catch about 20M from us).

Today is a public holiday.  Waitangi Day.  Didn’t do too much.  Had brunch at Cafe Lafare, took down some of my Christmas lights, did some shopping and went to Mandys.

The Aussies are a bit sore because we beat their cricket team in their VB series.  We beat them 3 times out of our 4 matches against them and they still think that they should have gone into the finals instead of us.  Cry babies. Attended Mandys brithday picnic tonight.  It was going to be at the botanic gardens but it was too windy.  We had it at her place instead.

Caught up with Jacqui Arcus via EMail recently (she signed my guestbook).  I haven’t seen her for years but was good to hear from her again.  I got her in contact with Hamish who she knows quite well too.

Here is a picture of Angela and Jason’s baby Thomas.

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