Katrina and Brian have left NZ and arrived in the UK.  We got a EMail from them today and they are doing well. Tony and Kathryn are in Auckland and has got an EMail address now so have been chatting about foam products!  If you want his EMail address, contact me.

Geoff has been upset that he is not in my Peopleography.  I told him he hasn’t provided me with any descent Goss so he doesn’t get a mention.  I also told him to read my disclaimer on the Peopleography page.

Janet is back.  She had tea (evening meal) with us last night.  Looked though all her photos and had a big catch up chat. Since the last update, we’ve been a bit busy around the house.  We’ve almost completed turning the spare room into a babys’ room.  Our hallway has been repainted and wallpapered by the Insurance Company.  I finished painting the chimneyDave finished our lounge/living room modification.  I sold the Piano.  I started putting up my Christmas lights.  Yes, it’s all go at the moment.  It’s hard to find time to sleep.

Some more big news is I’m becoming an uncle.  Cheryl and Hamish have one in the oven too.  About 2 months after Natalie is due (Apr 27 2002).  It should be an exciting time.

Christmas shopping is going well.  Two presents to go I think.

Natalie had her fist scan last week, everything is looking good.  I might even put up a couple of photos here soon.

Must dash….

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