If you know Cheryl and Hamish, they now live in Mungaraki (I have no idea how to spell it).  Hamish has just got a new job at Sound Expression in Willis Street.

We’ve just got a new lounge suite.  We spent ages looking for a fabric we liked and finally ordered one (if you’ve seen our old one, you’ll know it’s on it’s last legs).   Anyway, the week before it arrived, we discovered that the church we go to regularly (The Rock) just bought about 500 new chairs in the same fabric.  It’s not too bad as they are a slightly different colour, but it’s definitely a fashion clash we weren’t expecting.  The sentence, “Oh, this is the same fabric as the church chairs!”, is forbidden at our house. In my job, I was based out at or Glover Street office the the last few years.  I’m now permanently in town at our building on The Terrace now.  It’s not too bad except that it takes longer to get to work and is too easy to spend money.

Well I haven’t updated my web page for ages.  I previously said I was going to update it a bit more regularly but it has now been about 6 months since my last update, so that didn’t work out too well.

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