New Zealand's new Copyright Law presumes 'Guilt Upon Accusation' and will Cut Off Internet Connections without a trial. is against this unjust law - help us

I am very concerned about the changes proposed to Section 92a and c of the Copyright Amendment Act in that, although it has a well intended purpose, it completely undermines a basic human right to be innocence until proven guilty.

The changes will force ISP’s to remove services from anyone suspected of breaking copyright law, without evidence and without trial.

The change proposed will do nothing to prevent piracy as offenders may join another ISP, use fake details or move residence to continue offending. They can also continue to download copyright material, completely undetected, through using secure encrypted connections (VPN, etc). Disallowing Internet access will also penalise innocent parties (other members of a household) that may not have been aware of the offenders’ actions.

The Internet is more and more becoming an essential service and I see this as paramount to legislating that power companies monitor electricity usage, investigate abnormalities and cut off services to those who they suspect may be running a p lab or hydroponic operation; Councils cutting off water to a household because they suspect they are watering some weed; Banks closing accounts because of something suspicious (without police involvement).

NZ already has a system established that deals with those that break the law, it is called the Police and court system. I believe this legislation has been purposely written to prevent copyright infringement coming through the courts. Maybe to save a few $$$ in admin and legal costs, but at what cost to our rights? Is this China?

I also fear the ISP’s will pass the cost of providing this ‘policing’ onto customers at a time when New Zealand needs to reduce it’s broadband charges.

I agree something needs to be done in regards to piracy. BUT THIS IS NOT IT!


OK, so I missed one day (blogging) but that’s just nit-picking.

Things pretty busy at work - still playing catch-up.  Managed coffee with Graham today - haven’t seen him for a long time.  I payed this time.  Actually it was hot-chocolates but it sounds more civilised if I say coffee.

Tracey is my boss at work - she is becoming a granny in the next day or so - all things going well.

Today I bought a new USB hub today as my other one died.  I also discovered you cannot buy any piano tuning equipment from any retailers in Wellington.  Our piano needs tuning so I’m gonna have a go at doing it myself.  Rather that than pay ‘the man’.  I’ll probably screw it up and have to talk nice to ‘the man’ to fix it.  Looks like Ebay will have to be it.

I’m having Friday off work - so looking forward to that.  Will probably do something with Joshua (son).  We’re also having a BBQ on Saturday with some friends so I’ll try and post some photos from that.

Cheryl and Hamish now live in Auckland.  Hamish is attending bible college.  We’ll be visiting them soon.

Either nothing happened in 2005 or I was too lazy to write anything…   :)

Either nothing happened in 2004 or I was too lazy to write anything…   :)

Hamish and Cheryl bought a house in Upper Hutt.

Aidan is back from UK.

Kieran and Kristina finally got engaged.

Ian has finished his job at New Zealand Used.

Janet got married.   There is a website with her photos on here:

Geoff and Catherine just had their second baby.

Tony and Kathryn just had their third baby.

Cheryl and Hamish sold their house.  They sold it privately by putting an ad in the Trade and Exchange would you believe?  They are planning on moving to Auckland. My dad retired a couple of months ago from TranzRail.

Lianne has bought a house with her boyfriend Mike in Wadestown.

Aidan is working in London at the bodyworlds exhibition.  No, it is not a fitness centre, it is an exhibition of dead bodies.  Coool.  Aidan can walk around and whisper “I see dead people” without white coated men shoving him in the back of a van.

Just kidding (RE: 6 May 2002), but still nothing much to write here.  Come on, EMail me something I can write here, please.

We don’t get out anymore.  The Goss sections will be discontinued from today.

A friend of ours from church, Grant Kelly was tragically killed a couple of weeks ago in a car accident in Canada.  He was 22.  Grant went out with Janet for a while, so we saw him quite a bit when Janet was living with us.  Grant was with us when we deep fried stuff, including a mince and cheese pie once. Katrina and Brian recently sent us a video of them in the UK.  It included footage of Brian mowing a really BIG lawn.  It was great to see them again.

Lianne recently moved into Wadestown with her boyfriend, Mike.

Aidan has left NZ for the UK.

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